
Reliable and cost-effective dust control solutions for your industrial applications.

Parking Lots

When it rains, the dirt erodes, and your lot becomes a mess. However, pouring a simple asphalt or concrete over your parking lot next to your home, apartment building, or business can be very expensive.

We offer a more inexpensive way of maintaining your dirt by preventing the mess of erosion thanks to our road stabilization products that keep dirt intact. By using our services, you can have a parking lot free from dust and erosion at an affordable cost.




Mining can result in compliance issues, expensive fines, over-the-top maintenance costs, and dangerous working conditions.

Our services help you prevent or rectify these issues. Our environmentally safe products attack runaway dust from metal, minerals, phosphate, and coal. By using our system and applying our products, you’ll enhance control of mine tailing, road hauling, and conveyor and processes at the site of the mine during transport and transfer.

Get the most from your equipment, reduce repair needs, and fulfill rail and utility dust suppression regulations with Lyman Dust Control, Inc.

Gravel Pits

Gravel pits can cause clouds of fugitive dust that can be a serious irritant for people with breathing problems. Lyman Dust Control, Inc. eliminates the option of these hazardous dust particles being released into the air.

Our products and professional service make it easy to control the dust clouds in your gravel pit. At Lyman Dust Control, Inc., we ensure our experience and quality of service will stabilize your dust particles at an affordable price.




Logging roads can be prone to fugitive dusts, washboarding, aggregate loss, soil erosion, and overall road destabilization. These possess huge safety risks for logging trucks and other heavy load vehicles who are passing through these roads back and forth, especially during peak season.

Lyman Dust Control, Inc. can help stabilize your roads, keeping dust down to mitigate these risks. Most importantly, our products and services can improve the road safety and performance at an economical rate.

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